Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well, maybe that is an over statement. I remember standing in the hall outside my Freshman Bible class at ACU. I had just finished the final exam (one of the first of my college career). I was waiting for a friend to finish, when all the sudden there was a terrible commotion in the room. Apparently a very enthusiastic young lady stood up in the middle of the exam and yelled "I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE!" at the top of her lungs. Now, this is freshman Bible, it was an obvious joke, and I chuckle every time I think about it.

There is so much pressure to entertain on this blasted thing. I appreciate a voicemail that I received last night and the advice that you gave me JD. I am working on it, obviously not on this post, but hopefully there will be more to come. In the meantime, its OK to be envious of this picture.

(It won't let me upload a photo right now, I will add it later. Carry on!)


Man among many women... said...

That's my boy! Don't let those haters get to you. Even if it is you that is doing the hating.

Tricky said...

Don't stress man. No one expects you to be funny. At least, not on purpose...